EMT Medical Training Courses

Decades of Experience - Locally Owned in VA

Join the Front Line

Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) are key first responders, and joining the ranks of Virginia EMTs means that you’ll have the opportunity to help countless people. EMTs are able to administer emergency care en route to the hospital, such as CPR, oxygen, and glucose. By becoming an EMT, you can utilize your skills in critical care settings like hospitals, urgent care, medical transportation and fire/rescue departments.

EMT Classes From an Experienced Professional

If you want to be on the accelerated path to become an EMT in VA, Virginia Medical Training Academy's Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) class may be for you. Our course is a Virginia state-approved course that prepares students for the psychomotor and cognitive testing for certification through both the National Registry of EMTs (NREMT) and the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Our EMT curriculum is comprised of both lecture and practical skills. The combination of these two areas will give you the chance to properly learn the subject matter, as well as see how it will be applicable in the field. Due to our field internship you will get hands-on experience with live patients.  The field internship component is a valuable experience to strengthen your EMS knowledge and skill set.

Students are tested on both types of information (psychomotor and cognitive) and must maintain an 80% average in order to pass the class and earn an Authorization to Test (ATT) letter.

Please keep in mind that the completion of the course does not certify you, as you are required to pass the proper certification tests following our course. Our course is designed to prepare you for the field and give you the knowledge and tools you need to succeed, but it is not a certification in itself.

If you are interested in signing up for one of our accelerated EMT in VA courses, contact us today. You can reach us anytime via phone at (804) 789-1212 to sign up for one of our courses. We are excited to have the opportunity to teach you critical skills that you will need in the field as an EMT!

Basic Class Information

  • Cost: $2,000
    • Includes textbook, access to online learning platform, additional class materials, & CPR certification (if needed).
  • Schedule:
    • Accelerated classes take place Monday - Friday from 8am to 5pm.
    • Weekend classes take place Saturday & Sunday from 8am to 5pm.
  • Prerequisites/Co-requisites:
    • CPR Certification
      • If you are not currently certified, you can still register for a class! We offer CPR certification as a part of your EMT course. 
    • FEMA Certifications
      • The following Independent Study courses are co-requisites for class: IS-5.a, IS-100.c, IS-200.c, IS-700.b, IS-800.d
      • Independent study courses can be accessed by going to the FEMA Training website and navigating to the "Independent Study" tab.


*All classes are accelerated unless otherwise indicated*

  • March 31 - April 18
  • May 5 - 23
  • May 31 - July 20 (Weekends)
  • June 2 - 20
  • July 7 - 25
  • August 4 - 22
  • September 1 - 19
  • September 6 - October 26 (Weekends)
  • October 6 - 24
  • November 3 - 21
  • December 8 - 23